Monday 27 June 2011

New Shawl! hell yeah!

New shawl. Ordered it last week and just got it today. Some says it looks like 'kain pelekat'  T___T. But whatever. I like it so i won't care what other people says.

The BEST Gatling Gun EVER

Gatling gun is one of the most favorite attack used by Luffy. He used it everytime he fought with someone strong. When he is in GEAR SECOND mode, the attack is named 'JET Gatling Gun'. His gatling gun when he used to attack Rob Lucci of CP9(he won by this attack) in Tower 1, Enies Lobby is the BEST EVER GATLING GUN so far.

Gomu gomu no Jet Gatling Gun

Do you know how to punch??

One Piece - I really love the part where Luffy trying to get back Diamond Head Ossan (Montblanck Cricket) his gold from Bellamy at Mocktown. The part where all of them mock him around and doubting whether or not he knows how to fight, or even throw a punch.


The urge to punch somebody's head

There is time when u feel like punching one's head without reason. I wish i could do that like what they did in all anime. When somebody talks crap, u can just hit him hard until the head or face swollen.


My first edited photo after years. AKTF

I am not that great in photoshop! well, honestly, I only have a very basic skill in it. But, I'd put my great effort into editing this.

I have 3 versions of it and don't know which one is better. Well, u may say all 3 look ugly lol. I'll try my best for the next time. ^^

Version 1 - 

Version 2 - 

Version 3 - 

I honestly think that Version 2 is the best ^^

Thursday 23 June 2011

Nasi beriani 1! eh.....

Hari ni aku berpuasa, so of courselah kena cari juadah buka puasa kan. Balik dari kerja aku pon pegilah satu kedai yang jual nasi kukus ni. Selain dari nasi kukus diorang ada jual satu lagi jenis nasi. Warna Kuning. Selalu aku beli nasi kukus tapi hari ni rasa nak tukar selera. Aku dengan muka bangganya cakap "Dik, Nasi beriani satu. " Adik tu senyum tengok aku, "Nasi apa kak?" . " Nasi Beriani". Bebudak tu tengok aku pelik.tetiba je aku rasa malu. "Dik, nasi kuning ni nasi apa?" Bukan nasi beriani rupanya T___T  jatuh keayuan aku. Adik tu jawab "Nasi @$%^#$&" aku xdengar dia kata apa. Aku pon, "Oklah dik. bagi nasi kuning ni satu". Siap bayar dengan muka macam xada apa-apa berlaku aku pon blah. aigooo...sebulan aku xmau pegi balik kedai tu

Friday 17 June 2011

Pasar Malam!!!!

Hari jumaat = Pasar malam time!!! Pasar malam = shopping selendang time lol.


p/s: Tak balik kerja lagi T__T cemana nak rempuh pasar malam???

Thursday 16 June 2011


Okay minna!! this is my 4th blog lol. I don't know why i make so much blog but I'm planning on sticking to this one. well << kita merancang tuhan yang menentukan ye tidak??